Thursday 14 June 2007

Getting started

When I first started the Visual Studio Express, it reminds me of Visual Basic because the interface looks like it. To create a game, it is very simple and easy. Just select new at the file menu, select game type and give a name. Once you click OK, the game will automatically construct itself.
    Hang on, don't congrats me just yet because it just one in a million steps to create a good game. But at least, the game can be run and it shows a window with a light blue screen. The codes pretty much like java (yup, I got a basic knowledge on Java). It inherits from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game, which is a skeleton code of a game application. This object itself free’s you from having to create a ton of boilerplate code to create the main window, set up the graphics card and a number of other mundane actions. Additionally, it links in all the various XNA assemblies, regardless to if you need them or not. Other then that, it implemented a default Constructor, the Update method and the Draw method.

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