Tuesday 12 June 2007


I’ve decided to make a game for my MSc dissertation using Microsoft XNA. To be honours, I never heard about XNA before. For a couple of week, I’ve started finding about XNA. Basically, XNA is a set of tools, complete with a managed runtime environment, provided by Microsoft that facilitates computer game design, development and management. XNA does this by freeing game designers from writing "repetitive boilerplate code," and brings all aspects of game production into a single system. The XNA toolset was announced March 24, 2004, at the Game Developers Conference in San Jose, California; and a first Community Technology Preview of XNA Build was released March 14, 2006. The final version was released on December 11, 2006. I’ve also knew XNA not only can build PC games, but XBox games as well. Wow! This is quite interesting to further my exploration of XNA.

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